7. Today in 1920s Turkey: 10 August 1927 (The Huntress)
Avcı ve Nişancı Hanımlarımız da Var: Geçen Cuma Istanbul Avcılar Cemiyeti bir vapur gezintisi yaptılar ve Büyükdere çayırına çıkıp nişan taalimleri ile vakit geçirdiler. Aralarında hanımlar da bulunan bu gezinti heyeti iyi eğlendi. Bu atışlarda avcı Şevket Bey’in kızı resmini basdığımız genç hanım birinci geldi. Aferin küçük hanıma! Genç erkek ve kızlarımız arasında spora karşı kuvvetli bir heves var. Vakitlerini fena şeylerle geçirmektense böyle vücudlarını ve fikirlerini terbiye edecek idmanlarla uğraşsınlar daha iyi. Türk kızı da Türk delikanlısı gibi silah atmasını bilmelidir.
(Altyazı: Nişancılıkta birinci gelen genç kızımız.)
We Also Have Female Hunters and Markswomen: Last Friday the Istanbul Hunter’s Association took a boat up to the Büyükdere meadows and spent time target practicing. The field trip group, which included women, had good fun. Hunter Şevket Bey’s daughter, the girl whose picture we’ve printed, came in first place in the shooting [competition]. Brava little lady! There is strong enthusiasm for sports in our young boys and girls. Instead of spending their time with bad things it is better that they occupy themselves with exercises that train the body and mind. Turkish girls, like Turkish lads must know how to fire a weapon.
(Caption under photo: Our young girl who won first place in marksmanship.)
This piece was published in the same issue of Karagöz as post #6. Covering a weekend hunter’s association’s field trip, the article reports that women were present at the activities and that they also excelled at them. This is evinced by the fact that a woman won the target-shooting competition. Ironically, despite her great achievement the name of this particular “young lady” is never revealed. She is referred to only as “the daughter of hunter Şevket Bey (Mr. Şevket).” Nevertheless, the paper has provided readers with a photograph of the accomplished young markswoman posing with her rifle.
As is the case with much of Karagöz’s content, the blurb ends on a moralizing note. The author stresses the importance of an active lifestyle and asserts that it benefits both mind and body. During these post-war years it was also very common for articles like this to (eventually) adopt a militaristic or defensive tone. The final sentence of this piece reflects such sentiments. Within the context of 1920s Turkey, articles encouraging the youth to play sports and train their bodies are almost never exclusively concerned with promoting healthy lifestyles as they often contain implicit or explicit propagandistic references to national defense (i.e., everyone, regardless as gender, must learn to fire a weapon).
Originally published at https://steemit.com on August 10, 2016.