40. Today in 1920s Turkey: 14 December 1927 (Undervalued Life)
Appearing on the same page as an earlier post (#39: Planning Ahead for Snow… in December), this brief blurb draws the reader’s attention to the many senseless acts of violence happening across the vast city on a given day. The opening question “Are we chopping leeks,” compares human lives to leeks (which are a dime a dozen). It suggests that these violent incidents are conducted with the same emotional distance and disregard for life as a cook preparing inanimate food products for consumption. Therefore, another way of phrasing this question would be: Is life sacred or cheap?
All but one of the seven incidents listed includes a clear location, providing a somewhat balanced spread of offenses across Istanbul’s three major districts of Fatih, Beyoğlu, and Kadıköy. Along with a description of the violent act each case on the list states the tool used to carry out the crimes as well as the offender’s occupation (e.g. slipper-maker, woman, dairyman, girl, drunk, municipality cyclist, crazy man, etc).
Are we chopping leeks here?
Take a look at one day’s worth of police reports from Istanbul:
- Two dairymen in Kozlu, Merkezefendi neighborhood got into a brawl and one of them split the other’s face with a knife.
- A slipper-maker from the neighborhood of Laleli out of drunkenness wrapped a rope around his son’s neck and stabbed him in the throat with his shoe-maker’s knife.
- Depressed that she could not go out in fancy clothes, an eighteen-year-old girl from the district of Kadıköy poisoned herself after drinking an entire bottle of iodine tincture.
- A crazy man named Na’man from the neighborhood of Unkapanı threw himself into the sea at Kumkapı and he yelled “Get out of the way, I am Lokman Hakim” to those trying to save him.
- In Kadıköy a woman named Nuriye lost her mind and scorched her intestines by drinking poison.
- One of the municipality’s motorcycles ran over a five-year-old child and turned him/her to pulp.
- A drunkard in Tophane drank, fell over, and died!
Look at this list from just one day [of events]. How many people foolishly die over nothing every day.
Pırasa mı doğrayoruz yahu!
Istanbul’un bir günlük zabıta vakalarına bir bakınız:
- Merkezefendi’de Kozlu’da iki mandıra uşağı dalaşmışlar biri bıçağıyla ötekinin yüzünü ikiye bölmüş.
- Laleli’de bir terlikçi sarhoşlukla oğlunun boğazına ip geçirmiş, kunduracı bıçağını da gırtlağına saplamış.
- Kadıköy’de 18 yaşında bir kız, süslü gezemiyorum, diye içlenmiş bir şişe tentürdiyotu içip zehirlenmiş.
- Unkapanı’nda Na’man isminde bir deli Kumkapı’da kendini denize atmış ve kurtarmak isteyenlere: — Ben Lokman Hakim’im çekilin, diye bağırmış.
- Kadıköy’de Nuriye isminde bir kadın aklını bozmuş bir şişe zehir içip bağırsaklarını kavurmuş.
- Şehremanetin motorsikleti beş yaşında bir çocuğu ezip pestile çevirmiş.
- Tophane’de bir sarhoş içmiş, düşüp ölmüş!
Şu bir günlük listeye bakın. Günde kaç kişi enayi gibi pisi pisine gidiyor.
Originally published at https://steemit.com on December 14, 2016.