159. Today in 1920s Turkey: 2 April 1926 (A Very Important Statue Comes Out of Its Box)

Yasemin Gencer
3 min readApr 3, 2019


News snippet, Cumhuriyet, 2 April 1926, no. 684, page 1.

The Gazi’s Statue, the Packaging of Which Was Opened Yesterday
The esteemed Gazi Pasha’s statue was opened yesterday before Mayor Muhittin, (his) deputy Şükrü Ali, correspondent Osman, the museum director Halil, the director of (the office of) technical affairs İbrahim Bey and other persons. The statue, which was placed face-down in its crate, is brown and yellow-ish colored. Because (yesterday) the statue could not be properly examined, today before noon it will be examined in the presence of the mayor and high officials and if it is determined that it was successful in (fulfilling all) its conditions it will be delivered from Krippel’s proxies Monsieur Houti(?) and Ekrem Bey.

Five busts came with the statue as well. Two of these busts will be sent to Ankara — one for the Gazi Pasha’s house and the other to be placed in the Grand National Assembly’s auditorium/hall — and the other three to Sinop, Giresun, and Konya.

Dün Ambalajı Açılan Gazi’nin Heykeli
Gazi Paşa Hazretleri’nin heykeli dün şehremini Muhittin, muavin Şükrü Ali, Mektupçu Osman, müze müdürü Halil, heyet-i fenniye müdürü İbrahim Beyler’le sair zevat huzurunda açılmıştır. Heykel mevzu’ bulunduğu sandık içinde yüz üstü olarak yatırılmış esmer ve sarımtırak renktedir. Heykel layikiyle tedkik edilemediği için bugün öğleden evvel şehremini ve erkan-ı emanet huzurunda tedkik edilecek ve şeraitine muvaffak olduğu ta’yin edildiği taktirde Krippel’in vekilleri Mösyö Houti ve Ekrem Bey’den teslim edilecektir.

Heykel ile beraber beş adet de büst gelmiştir. Bu büstlerden ikisi(nden) biri Gazi Paşa’nın köşklerine, diğeri Büyük Millet Meclisi salonuna vaz’ edilmek üzere Ankara’ya ve diğer üçü de Sinop, Giresun ve Konya’ya gönderilecektir.

This brief illustrated news story appeared on the front page of the daily gazette, Cumhuriyet on 2 April 1926. The piece is one of many “updates” that the paper had run regarding the developments behind the creation and arrival of the first statue of Turkey’s first president. Although grainy, the accompanying photograph shows the sculpture standing erect with the frame of its shipping crate still intact around it. Some of the men mentioned in the text stand arranged around the statue which visibly dwarfs them.

Once placed in its intended location, this statue is destined to become the Sarayburnu monument familiar to us today. The statue was erected on 3 October 1926, almost exactly six months after the publication of this article and the arrival of the complete statue in Istanbul from Vienna, where it was cast. Its sculptor is Heinrich Krippel who was also commissioned to make several other statues of “the Gazi” or Atatürk throughout the rest of the 1920s and 1930s. Any plans regarding public monuments, their fabrication, erection, or related projects were all events worthy for the newspapers to report.

Entire page, Cumhuriyet, 2 April 1926, no. 684, page 1. Hakkı Tarık Us Collection, Beyazıt State Library, Istanbul.

Originally published at https://steemit.com on April 3, 2019.



Yasemin Gencer
Yasemin Gencer

Written by Yasemin Gencer

I am a scholar of Islamic art and civilization specializing in the history of Ottoman and modern Turkish art and print culture.

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